Thank you for being invested and interested in your health, and exploring the possibility of having a session at Full Circle Movement Therapy, to enhance your self-care. I appreciate every person who attends a session, or contacts me with an enquiry, as I am aware that it is an investment of your time, energy, and resources to choose to see a therapist for massage or bodywork. Because of this, I aim to offer my full, undivided attention and presence to support each person in a way that is most beneficial for them. I wish for every client to experience the best possible version of themselves whilst enhancing their health both physically and mentally.
If you feel content with the information you’ve read so far, and are ready to book,
you can head over to the bookings page to choose your session.
If you’d like more specific information about what to expect in a typical massage session, please read on:
Below you will find a description of what to expect if you come for a massage at the Full Circle Clinic, as the treatments are unique and somewhat different to the table-based massage you will find in many places. This information is also relevant for initial sessions for other services at the clinic, including individual and group movement, and yoga sessions.
Before The Session
If possible to prepare before the session, please think about what you would like to address/focus on, and recall any injuries or medical conditions relevant to treatment. Please also think through anything that might affect your experience at the time of treatment, and what you are hoping for in terms of bodywork. When possible, please try to slow down and have least a few minutes stillness before you arrive (this is not essential). Please wear comfortable, exercise-style clothing such as long pants, t-shirt, long sleeve top, socks, and a jumper if it is cold.
The Environment
Bodywork sessions:

The Full Circle Movement Therapy clinic is located in Woonona, in a dedicated therapy space as part of our family home. I enjoy creating a simple, spacious and warm environment to work in where people can feel at ease and safe to be. This warm and welcoming atmosphere is often appreciated and commented on by clients.
Initial Conversation
When you arrive for your first appointment, you can expect to have 10-15 minutes of checking-in about your present health, as well as taking a case history (this is in addition to the massage time). You will find that the approach is holistic, and you will have an opportunity to be led through an enquiry-based conversation to explore your experience, and needs, at the time of the session. For those who wish, there is an option to explore possible underlying causes of the presenting condition. It is also encouraged to focus more on physical conditions and learning about any discomfort, pain, or injury you might be working with, or it is also welcome if you wish to have a massage, with minimal discussion following the case history.
Once the case history is taken and we have a starting point, you may be offered supportive practices to utilise at home following the session. These may include specified therapeutic exercise therapy/yoga-based/fitness movements; breathing; relaxation; meditation; recommended readings where appropriate; or simple self-reflective processes. These practices are offered for you to explore as additional supports for your health between sessions, and you can choose the ones that works for you.
Before the massage begins, an informed consent form is signed. This form represents two key focuses for the session. 1) A legal document clarifying our agreement. 2) An invitation to a mutual responsibility, or collaboration, for the outcome of the session. You are invited in this way you to take an active part in your session. As your therapist, I apply a wide variety of tools in a way that is most effective for your needs. As a mutual process, you are encouraged and welcomed to have a voice during the session, and let me know what does or does not work for you. For example, we can change the technique, pressure, music, room temperature/lighting, or change the position of your body throughout the session, and so on to create greatest ease for you. After the session you may mention the techniques that felt especially beneficial, and may wish to revisit these in future sessions, should you choose to continue.
The Session

While keeping a focus on the details discussed during your case history, and any desired outcome you may bring for the session, I try to step out of the way and aim to have a ‘therapeutic conversation’ with the body, to find out what would support it best from the variety of bodywork tools I use in my work. While moving through the range of techniques the aim is to keep coming back to allow the body to let go of tension, and let the therapeutic benefits happen within the body, while staying connected to the process. In addition, with your consent we may use cupping, moxibustion or gua sha to support your treatment. Natural and organic ointments, oils and creams are used, especially towards the end of the session when the head and neck are treated for integration and relaxation. Perfect Potion and Efloressence (locally made) products are primarily used within the treatment.
Closing The Session
Usually there is time to slowly get up without any rush, have a glass of water, and briefly chat about the session. When leaving it is recommended if possible to take some time for yourself, walk on the beach, or have cup of tea at home etc. In this way you may use the appointment as a mini retreat. Of course if time and other commitments do not allow this integration immediately following the session, that is also fine.
After a session, clients often express their experience in a way that matches the intention of the therapy. It feels mutually validating to hear that the described aims of treatment translate to an embodied experience of health and relaxation. I also enjoy hearing when a regular client feels inspired from their treatments to make changes in their life and lifestyle. I so appreciate these reflections, as they show me that what I love to do can have such significant affects in the lives of people in the community.
Yoga - 1:1 or group
Yoga sessions offer physical postures, breathing & meditation practices that range from dynamic flowing movement, to gentle and traditional techniques. A myriad of options can be introduced to adapt the practice to suit your needs. Sessions are grounded in clear instruction to support strength and flexibility, whilst also exploring humour, inspiration, creativity, and play.
Mixed movement - 1:1 or group
In addition to yoga-based postures, other movement methods can be introduced to sessions, inspired by Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Dynamic Exercise, Joint and Mobility Training and Fitness. Through movement and exercise, you are invited to explore the impacts of habitual movement and thinking patterns that may be influencing the structure of the physical body. Through diverse movement, new patterns are created to support changes toward greater health.
Meditation/Yoga Nidra -1:1or group
Explore the many ways that meditation can be part of your life (not just sitting cross legged). Learn to meditate without struggle or force. Experience the art of guided deep relaxation with Yoga Nidra.
Workplace massage & movement
Bring relaxation, contentedness, connection, and renewed energy to your team with yoga, movement, partner yoga, massages, or a short massage workshop.
ADD to the services above:
1:1 - 10-30min of massage
Group - partner yoga
- short massage workshop
Massage workshop
Massage workshops teach you the foundations of sharing simple but deeply effective massage techniques with your partner, friends or family. Explore the art of presence, sensing, and conversing through touch. Learn to connect with an authentic, respectful and still place within yourself when offering bodywork sessions. Understand the subtle keys for offering a truly enjoyable massage.
Retreats, festivals & events
Enrich your program with any combination of the offerings above.
The Frequency Of The Sessions
You can elect the frequency of your sessions, or we can create a treatment plan together at your first session based on your aims, commitment, and availability. Some people have a treatment weekly, and some twice a week. Others book a session fortnightly, monthly, or occasionally. There are a few different plans or options available to choose from in terms of session fees, in accordance with the regularity of your treatments.
Feel free to contact me with any enquiries via email, text, or phone. You may like to speak with me directly to ask questions, and get a sense of your options – the phone might be old-school, but I like it.

Music Playlist
People often enjoy the selection of relaxing music being played throughout the session. Here is the playlist if you would like to enjoy it at home or find out who are some of the artists.